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Exciting New Updates to Enhance Your ProtectorsCraft Experience!
3 minute read

Hello Protectors!
We're always working towards a better player experience on our server. We're excited to present to you fresh updates and additions! Here's everything you need to know:

  • We've integrated several crucial functionalities directly into our website. This includes staff applications, player and bug reports, and ban appeals. You must be logged in to submit an entry. Check them out at these links:
  • The server will now announce when staff members join or leave, so you'll know when they're available.
  • Interested about your warnings? Use the new /warns command to see all of your warnings.
  • We're excited to introduce our new ProtectorGPT Bot both on Discord and directly in-game! Use it to start a chat conversation or ask it questions. Each player is limited to 25 questions per day in-game. Here are some commands to get you started in-game:
    • /gpt chat - Initiates a chat conversation with the bot
    • /gpt prompt (prompt) - Ask the bot a question using a prompt
    • /gpt help - Provides additional information about commands
  • All players can now use the /skull command to get their own skulls. Just hold a mob head, and it will transform into your player head!
  • We've added NoItemPickup and NoPetDamage flags to Claim Flags. Use /setclaimflag (flag) to set the flag.
  • Protectors has been added to the faction list on our Discord and Website.
  • We've updated our staff information. Find the latest info at https://protectorscraft.us/wiki/staff-info.
  • We've introduced new leaderboards at spawn, which display players with the MOST MONEY, MOST TIME PLAYED, and MOST BLOCKS MINED. They will get updated once players join.
  • We've improved the /playtime command, providing you with more detailed stats. Use /playtime top to see who's played the most.
  • The #roulette channel is back on discord! Use the !roulette command once a week for free and receive your winnings in-game immediately. To be eligible for the roulette, you must have voted 6 or more times for our server during the week you play the roulette. You can vote for us at http://protectorscraft.us/vote. Time resets on Monday at 12 AM EST each week. Remember to link your Discord account to our Minecraft server using /discord link in-game. This command can only be run in the #roulette channel on discord. You can check your roulette history using !roulette history in the #bot-commands channel on discord. To get an alert when the time resets each week, react to the 🎲 icon in #auto-roles on discord.
  • Exciting news! We now have an Official Server Trailer for ProtectorsCraft, which took weeks of professional development. Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAe446NNlas
  • Finally, we've secured a sponsored slot on TopG.org! We're expecting a large influx of players soon, and hopefully, some of them will decide to stay! Check out our sponsored slot here: https://topg.org/minecraft-servers/

That's all for now! As always, keep exploring, keep building, and most importantly, keep protecting!
Server Commands: http://protectorscraft.us/wiki/commands

Summer Vibes, Server Enhancements, and CodeSolutions
Summer Vibes, Server Enhancements, and CodeSolutions
Hello Protectors! We hope you’re all enjoying your summer adventures. It’s been a while since our last update, but we’ve got another round of improvements and enhancements to ProtectorsCraft. Let’s dive into what’s new! ⚙️ Minecraft Version...
3 minute read
New Battles, GUI Enhancements, Media Ranks, and Much More!
New Battles, GUI Enhancements, Media Ranks, and Much More!
Hello Protectors! We’re excited to share with you the latest updates and improvements on ProtectorsCraft. Let’s dive into the details of what’s new and improved! ⚙️ Minecraft Version Updates: Server Upgrade: We’ve successfully updated the base...
5 minute read
New Year, New Adventures: Bounty Hunts, GUI Upgrades, and More in ProtectorsCraft!
New Year, New Adventures: Bounty Hunts, GUI Upgrades, and More in ProtectorsCraft!
Hello Protectors! We’re kicking off the new year with some exciting updates and improvements on ProtectorsCraft. From gameplay enhancements to system updates, we’ve got plenty of new features for you to explore. Let’s jump into what’s new this...
5 minute read