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New Battles, GUI Enhancements, Media Ranks, and Much More!
5 minute read

Hello Protectors!

We’re excited to share with you the latest updates and improvements on ProtectorsCraft. Let’s dive into the details of what’s new and improved!

⚙️ Minecraft Version Updates:

  • Server Upgrade: We’ve successfully updated the base server to the latest Minecraft version, 1.20.4.
  • Bedrock Compatibility: Players using the new Bedrock versions 1.20.60/1.20.61 are now able to join the server.

🌟 Feature Addition:

  • Duel & FFA Fight System: We’ve overhauled the Duel system and introduced the Duel & FFA (Free For All) Fight System. This new feature allows you to engage in epic battles against other players or teams in various formats such as 1v1, 2v2, FFA, Team vs Team, Team Split, and Team FFA. Use your own inventory and build strategically in the regenerative arenas to gain the upper hand. Get started with /fightgui. Match results for duels will be posted to the new #fights discord channel.
  • Bee Hive Viewer System: The new Bee Hive Viewer System allows you to check the amount of Bees and Honey inside Hives simply by right-clicking them with an empty hand.

⚙️ GUI Enhancements:

  • /tier Menu: We’ve given the /tier menu a visual overhaul.
  • /profile GUI: Your profile GUI has been enhanced for better navigation and a cleaner look.
  • /kits Menu: The /kits menu now has a more user-friendly interface.
  • /tags GUI: The /tags GUI has been revamped with a smoother user experience.

📹 Media Team and Media Manager:

  • To support our growth and community engagement, we’ve introduced a dedicated @Media Manager position and added three different ranks within the Media team. Each rank comes with its own set of requirements, kits, and rewards. Additionally, members of the Media team gain access to an exclusive YouTuber private chat channel on both Discord and in-game, similar to the netherite and donator private chat channels.

⚔️ New Commands and Improvements:

  • /togglegui Menu: A new menu that allows players to quickly toggle on/off various settings with ease.
  • /mobarena GUI: Navigate the mobarena more efficiently with a new GUI that includes features like teleporting to the mobarena warp, viewing available kits, and starting the MobArena with a simple click.
  • /mediaranks Menu: Check out the new menu to explore the features available for each media rank.
  • /wb (player) Command: A new way to welcome back players.
  • Custom Enchantments Wiki Page: Learn about all the custom enchantments available through /ce on our new Custom Enchantments wiki page.
  • Scoreboard Update: Players on versions 1.20.3 and up will no longer see numbers on the scoreboard, decluttering their view.
  • Welcome Chatwave: When a player first joins the server, a welcome chatwave is initiated. During this 15-second window, any “welcome” messages typed by players are highlighted in different colors, creating a vibrant greeting.
  • Welcome Message Reduction: Reduced the text for the [welcome] chat placeholder and the first join welcome announcement.
  • Enchantment Lore Improvement: The lore of custom enchantments has been further improved.
  • Chat Prefix Hover Messages: Enhanced hover messages for chat prefixes for a more interactive experience.
  • Leaderboards at GameHub: GameHub leaderboards now stay updated permanently until someone achieves a higher score, replacing the previous 3-day limit.
  • NPC Replacements: The bossbar toggle NPC has been swapped for a Parkour NPC, and the scoreboard toggle NPC for a togglegui NPC.
  • Economic Fairness Alert: An alert now reminds players of the Economic Fairness rule when using /pay/ah, or /trade.
  • Weekly Tournament Notification: A notification one minute before 12 am every Sunday alerts players that the weekly tournament is ending soon.
  • Email Service: Our website now offers email services for password resets and notifications.
  • Combat Notification Update: The title bar no longer shows combat status; now only the action bar is displayed.
  • Rule Clarifications: Added explicit mentions against duping and alt kill farming for clarity in our rules.
  • Silk Touch Drops: Silk Touch drops are now accessible from the Default tier instead of being unlocked at the Coal tier.

⛔️ Fixes and Adjustments:

  • MobArena Overhaul: We’ve relocated the MobArena and resolved issues preventing access to supply chests and placing TNT during games.
  • Haste Enchantment: The Haste custom enchantment is back and now functions without causing server crashes!
  • /rename Command Update: Renaming items now costs $250 per use to maintain economic balance.
  • Bedrock Player Shop Access: Fixed a bug that prevented Bedrock players from accessing the /shop.
  • /glow Command Fixed: Players can now successfully use the /glow command.
  • /tag set Command Access: Players now have access to the /tag set command.
  • Enchantment Display in /tags: Fixed an issue where enchantments were incorrectly showing in the /tags menu.
  • Chest Minecart Limit: Introduced a limit of 12 Chest Minecarts within a single chunk to optimize performance.
  • Chestshop Discord Alerts: Resolved an issue with discord embed not displaying properly for chestshop transactions.
  • Auction-House Discord Alerts: Fixed the discord alerts for the #auction-house channel to ensure notifications are sent out.
  • Helper Color Adjustment: Made helper text colors in-game brighter for better visibility.
  • Player Ads Cooldown: Fixed an issue where the cooldown for Player Ads was resetting on server restart.
  • MobCatchers Naming: Players can no longer rename MobCatchers to prevent issues.
  • Name Tag Consistency: Updated the BEDROCK name tag to “Bedrock” for consistency.
  • Tablist Time Display: Changed the server time display on the tablist to world time for better relevance.
  • Chat Placeholders Fix: Fixed issues with [inv], [ender], and [item] chat placeholders not functioning correctly.
  • Discord !roulette Command: Fixed the !roulette command not working on Discord.
  • Bug Squashing: Eliminated various bugs introduced in the 1.20.4 server update.

We’re excited for you to experience these updates and thank you for being a valued member of the ProtectorsCraft community. Keep crafting, and most importantly, keep protecting!

Helpful Links:
Commands Wiki: http://protectorscraft.us/wiki/commands
Custom Enchantments Wiki: https://protectorscraft.us/wiki/custom-enchantments
Server Mechanics Wiki: https://protectorscraft.us/wiki/server-mechanics

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