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New Year, New Adventures: Bounty Hunts, GUI Upgrades, and More in ProtectorsCraft!
5 minute read

Hello Protectors!

We’re kicking off the new year with some exciting updates and improvements on ProtectorsCraft. From gameplay enhancements to system updates, we’ve got plenty of new features for you to explore. Let’s jump into what’s new this year!

🌟 Feature Addition:

  • Bounty System:
    • Set a bounty on players or claim active bounties. Minimum: $100, Maximum: $20,000.
    • Commands:
      • /bounty set [player] - Place a bounty
      • /bounty check [player] - Check a player’s bounty
      • /bounty top - Top 10 bounties

✨ Improved Custom Enchantments Formatting:

  • Updated enchantment colors, text and lore description to align with crate colors.
  • Enchanter menu improved for a smoother experience.
  • Enchantment books, scrolls, etc with the old format will still fully work (except for the Transmog scroll, a ticket can be created and we will replace them with the updated scroll).
  • If you’d like to update the look of your existing enchantment book, apply magic dust to the book.
  • If you’d like to update the format for an item, apply a new transmog scroll or simply add another enchant to the item.

⚙️ GUI Enhancements:

  • Player Warp Interface: Revamped the look of the /pwarp interface.
  • Shop Menu: Improved /shop GUI for a better shopping experience.
  • GUI Enhancements: Improvements to the GUI menu looks of /commands/tiers, and various other GUI menus like website, job, profile, ranks, links, and warps.

🛒 Exclusive Online Store Offer:

  • Real-Time Minimap: Introducing a realtime minimap in our online store! This dynamic map moves as you do and can be placed in the offhand slot to always be with you. Limited to 5 available in total at $2.50 each due to the extra server resource usage each map generates.

⚔️ New Commands and Improvements:

  • New /ad Command: Gold tier players or higher can now post a server-wide announcement for their shop or warp once a week.
  • /apply Command: Direct link to staff applications (login required).
  • /reapply Command: Reapply enchant effects on glitching custom enchant armor.
  • Mention Management: /mentiontoggle to manage mention notifications.
  • Active Chat Placeholder: Shows your chat activity level from the past week in chat using [active].
  • Removed Blocked Words in Clan/Party Chat: Speak freely in /party chat and /clan chat without blocked words.
  • Improved MOTD: The Message of the Day when joining the server has been improved, with clickable links for ease of access.
  • Armor Stand Editor Update: Now includes the ability to save specific poses from an armor stand or select a premade pose.
  • Hover Message Feature: All in-game messages now come with hover message ability, and by clicking it, that player’s name will automatically be added to your chat input to quickly tag them.
  • Auction House Access Expanded: Now you can access the /ah menu in the end world and other worlds!
  • AFK Warp Region Item Alert: Players will now receive an alert when they receive an item from the AFK Warp region.
  • Improved Server Mechanics Wiki: More information has been added for the ProtectorsCraft Server Mechanics Wiki.

⛔️ Fixes and Adjustments:

  • Item and Block Interaction Update: To prevent dupe exploits, players won’t be able to interact with items or blocks for 10 seconds before a server restart.
  • Bedrock Material Texture Support: For our Bedrock players, we’ve added texture support for hundreds of player head materials which previously just looked like normal player heads. Accept the resource pack on join if you are a bedrock player to see minion textures, partial vehicle textures, and dozens of GUI menu textures.
  • Staff Color Indicator: Staff members now show colored names in the tablist and above their heads in-game.
  • Seller Minions Limit Fix: Corrected an issue where seller minions bypassed the daily sell limit.
  • Mob Arena Gameplay Fixes: Chest access is now enabled in mob arena games, and flying is disabled.
  • Pet Command Fix: The /pet command is now functioning correctly.
  • Slayer Minion XP Update: Thanks to @pannikd0, XP has been added for many mobs that did not previously give XP when killed by slayer minions.
  • Bedrock Menu Item Removable: Bedrock players can now remove or drop the clock menu item from their inventory.
  • Parkour Course Glitch Fixed: The issue with spawning outside the extreme parkour map has been resolved.
  • Clan Tag Visibility: Clan tags will no longer show after leaving the clan if you had the tag equipped.
  • Item Drops Display: Item drops now display the item name and amount above the item for better visibility.
  • Vote Party Crate Animation Change: Switched to a normal wheel animation due to crash issues on some devices with the previous type.
  • Player Warp Message Fix: Player warp messages will no longer be sent to everyone in chat.
  • Increased Repair Price: The price for item repairs has slightly been increased.
  • Beetroot Seeds: Now available in the shop.
  • Join/Leave Alerts Removed: Donator and netherite join/leave alerts in-game have been removed to declutter chat.
  • /invisibleitemframes Command Fix: Fixed permission issues for the /invisibleitemframes toggle visibility command.

🎮 Discord Improvements:

  • Support Ticket Categories: Added dropdown categories in #ticket-support to streamline ticket creation.
  • Sticky Messages: Important messages in #protectorgpt-chat and #roulette will always show as the most recent message.
  • /playerlist Command on Discord: Check out the improved /playerlist command to see in-game players right on Discord, similar to the in-game tablist.
  • Updated Weekly Tournament Webhook: The #server-events discord channel now shows cleaner and more detailed information when a weekly tournament ends.

As always, we’re dedicated to continuously improving your experience on ProtectorsCraft. Thanks for being an integral part of our community. Keep crafting and most importantly, keep protecting!

Helpful Links:
Commands Wiki: http://protectorscraft.us/wiki/commands
Server Mechanics Wiki: https://protectorscraft.us/wiki/server-mechanics



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