Below Are Ranks You Can Buy From Our Store!
Purchase the Legend Rank and receive the following perks!
Legend Prefix
$5,000 Dollars
Total Homes: 15
Total Jobs: 4
Command Unlocked: /craft
- crafting table on the go
Command Unlocked: /hat
- wear items as a hat
Command Unlocked: /rename
- rename any item with color and & format codes (Costs $250 per item)
Vehicle Unlocked: /bikeshop
- buy vehicles and ride them till fuel runs out
Donor Chat Unlocked: /donorchat
- chat privately between other donors in-game
Particle Effects Unlocked: Dripping Obsidian Tears, Dripping Lava (/pp gui
Pets Unlocked: Bee, Chicken (/pets gui
Crate Keys: 3X Sorcerer Crates Keys, 2X Uncommon Crate Keys, 1X Epic Crate Key (/crates
Temporarily Fly: Fly for 2 Hours (/fly enable
Legend Kit (7 Day Cooldown)
Weekly Legend rewards by typing /rewards
Purchase the Eagle Rank and receive the following perks + the perks from the Legend Rank!
Eagle Prefix
$10,000 Dollars
Total Homes: 20
Total Jobs: 5
Yellow glow color unlocked
Command Unlocked: /echest
- Access Ender Chest anywhere
Command Unlocked: /pweather
- Control your own weather
Command Unlocked: /glow
- Have a glow yellow around your character
Vehicle Unlocked: /carshop
- buy vehicles and ride them till fuel runs out
Particle Effects Unlocked: Dragon Breath, Glow (/pp gui
Pets Unlocked: Fox, Bat (/pets gui
Crate Keys: 3X Sorcerer Crates Keys, 2X Epic Crate Keys, 1X Mythical Crate Key (/crates
Temporarily Fly: Fly for 4 Hours (/fly enable
Eagle Kit (7 Day Cooldown)
Weekly Eagle rewards by typing /rewards
Purchase the Knight Rank and receive the following perks + the perks from Legend and Eagle ranks!
Knight Prefix
$15,000 Dollars
Total Homes: 20
Total Jobs: 6
Green glow color unlocked
Use colors on signs
Command Unlocked: /ptime
- Control your own time
Command Unlocked: /repair (hand/all)
- Repair your item (Costs $2,500)
Vehicle Unlocked: /racingcarshop
- buy vehicles and ride them till fuel runs out
Particle Effects Unlocked: Portal, Enchant (/pp gui
Pets Unlocked: Llama, Mule (/pets gui
Crate Keys: 3X Sorcerer Crates Keys, 2X Mythical Crate Keys, 1X Legendary Crate Key (/crates
Temporarily Fly: Fly for 6 Hours (/fly enable
Knight Kit (7 Day Cooldown)
Weekly Knight rewards by typing /rewards
Purchase the Immortal Rank and receive the following perks + the perks from Legend, Eagle and Knight ranks!
Immortal Prefix
$20,000 Dollars
Total Homes: 25
Total Jobs: 8
All glow colors unlocked
Command Unlocked: /fly
- Ability to fly
Command Unlocked: /feed
- Ability to feed yourself (2 hour cooldown)
Command Unlocked: /nick
- Change your name
Vehicle Unlocked: /helicoptershop
- buy vehicles and ride them till fuel runs out
Particle Effects Unlocked: All unlocked (/pp gui
Pets Unlocked: Parrot, Creeper (/pets gui
Crate Keys: 4X Sorcerer Crates Keys, 3X Mythical Crate Keys, 2X Legendary Crate Keys, 1X Spawner Crate Key (/crates
Immortal Kit (7 Day Cooldown)
Weekly Immortal rewards by typing /rewards