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Don't Miss Out: New Trade Systems, Commands, and Discord Updates in ProtectorsCraft!
2 minute read

Hello Protectors!
We're thrilled to see our community continue to grow more and more. Here's a rundown of the latest updates:

  • System and Interface Changes/Fixes:
    • Vote Party Keys: Players will now only receive vote party keys if they are physically present in the server when the event happens.
    • Viewing Auction House Items: You can now peek inside shulker boxes and other containers in the Auction House to know you're getting what you paid for. This also syncs with the #auction-house channel on Discord in real-time.
    • Playtime Alerts: Players will now receive a notification when they unlock a tier based on their playtime and whether they have enough money to level up.
    • Faster Joins: Fixed an issue causing 5+ second delays when joining the server. Players can now join instantly!
    • Server Error Messages: Tweaked server error messages for clarity. For example, if the server is restarting, the error message will indicate it.
  • Moderation and Game Balance:
    • Swearing and Cursing: No longer leads to warns or kicks. Instead, the message will not be sent and players will be asked to refrain from using those words.
    • Anti-Cheat Adjustments: Raised the threshold on cheat checks to reduce false positives.
    • Anti-Spam: A new system to prevent chat spam.
    • Bypassing Chat Filter: Added a new in-game rule that explicitly states bypassing the chat filter is not allowed and may lead to temporary mutes or warns. The chat filter is there for a reason.
  • Economy:
    • Trade System Overhaul: You can now trade not only items but also claim blocks, XP, and money with other players using `/trade [player]`.
    • Voucher Code: To celebrate over 1,000 unique joins, use the code `PC1000` in `/voucher redeem PC1000` to claim your special voucher! Redeemable one time per player.
  • Command & System Additions:
    • Mob Catcher: Added to `/commands`. Purchase to unlock crafting of single-use or reusable Mob Catchers.
    • Turrets: Added to `/commands`. Receive Burst, Siege, and Slowness turrets. Starter ammo included! More ammo can be purchased at `/warp shop`.
    • Fixed `/report` Command: Players can now report other players with a specified reason.
    • Fixed `headdb` System: If you've previously purchased this command from `/commands`, please open a ticket for manual permission updates.
  • Temporary Change:
    • Pets System: Temporarily removed due to some game-breaking glitches. It will be back soon!
  • Discord Updates:
    • New Rule: Please do not PM or tag staff on Discord. Use #general chat or open a ticket in #ticket-support for assistance.

Thank you for your continued support. Keep crafting, and more importantly, keep protecting!
Purchasable Commands Wiki: https://protectorscraft.us/wiki/game-commands/purchasable-commands

Summer Vibes, Server Enhancements, and CodeSolutions
Summer Vibes, Server Enhancements, and CodeSolutions
Hello Protectors! We hope you’re all enjoying your summer adventures. It’s been a while since our last update, but we’ve got another round of improvements and enhancements to ProtectorsCraft. Let’s dive into what’s new! ⚙️ Minecraft Version...
3 minute read
New Battles, GUI Enhancements, Media Ranks, and Much More!
New Battles, GUI Enhancements, Media Ranks, and Much More!
Hello Protectors! We’re excited to share with you the latest updates and improvements on ProtectorsCraft. Let’s dive into the details of what’s new and improved! ⚙️ Minecraft Version Updates: Server Upgrade: We’ve successfully updated the base...
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New Year, New Adventures: Bounty Hunts, GUI Upgrades, and More in ProtectorsCraft!
New Year, New Adventures: Bounty Hunts, GUI Upgrades, and More in ProtectorsCraft!
Hello Protectors! We’re kicking off the new year with some exciting updates and improvements on ProtectorsCraft. From gameplay enhancements to system updates, we’ve got plenty of new features for you to explore. Let’s jump into what’s new this...
5 minute read