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ProtectorsCraft's Bedrock Updates, NPC's, Rewards, and More!
2 minute read

Hello Protectors!
Once again, we're bringing you some updates to enhance your experience on ProtectorsCraft. Here's what's new:

  • Bedrock Version Update: Server now supports bedrock players on version 1.20.15.
  • Bedrock Command for JAVA: When typing /bedrock or clicking on the Bedrock NPC at spawn, JAVA players will get a message stating that this command is exclusive to Bedrock players.
  • AFK Rewards System: Receive random crate keys or money every 2 and a half hours by AFKing in the warp /warps AFK. The full reward list and odds are on our wiki page, and also listed at the warp.
  • New NPC's at Spawn: Kits, MobArena, Bossbar, Wiki, AFK Rewards, Discord Link, Quests, Jobs, Enchanter, Rewards, and Crates NPC's have been added at Spawn.
  • Welcome Clonestones, Our New Helper!
  • Helper Rank Color Update: We've changed the in-game Helper rank's color to match the Discord role color.
  • Crate Opening Fixed: You can virtually open a crate by holding a crate key and using /crate open (crate).
  • Heal Command Fixed: The /heal command is now usable when obtained through the Epic crate.
  • Warp Notifications Update: No more server-wide notifications when warping to another player's warp. Warp in peace!
  • View Auto Broadcast Messages: All auto-broadcasted messages are now viewable under the Server Information section in /menu.
  • First Join Announcement: New players will have their player number shown in their first join announcement message.
  • Increased '/kit' Claim Times: Increased the time interval before players can claim another kit.
  • Texture Fixed for Crates: Enjoy our improved crate textures.
  • Chat Game Rewards Updated: Better rewards for your chat games!
  • Chat Games Players Update: Chat games will only happen if there are 5 or more players online.
  • /bossbar Toggle Permission Fixed: Fixed players not having access to the /bossbar command to toggle on/off the ProtectorsCraft Bossbar.
  • Bedrock Menu Fixed: Bedrock users can now see the bedrock menu again.
  • Faster NPC Interaction: Removed the 1-second delay when clicking on NPC's more than once.
  • Language Update: Removed many blocked words that could’ve been triggered in normal conversations.
  • New Wiki Sections: Added AFK Rewards System and MobArena System to our Wiki page.
  • In-game Player Count on Discord: There is now an in-game player count that updates every few minutes in the voice channel at the top of the Discord server page.
  • ProtectorsCraft Discord Bot Commands Expansion: Added many commands to ProtectorsCraft Discord Bot including !systems, !vote, !ip, !wiki, !support, !apply, !tier, !trailer, and much more!

Enjoy the new features, and as always, keep protecting!
Wiki: https://protectorscraft.us/wiki/

Summer Vibes, Server Enhancements, and CodeSolutions
Summer Vibes, Server Enhancements, and CodeSolutions
Hello Protectors! We hope you’re all enjoying your summer adventures. It’s been a while since our last update, but we’ve got another round of improvements and enhancements to ProtectorsCraft. Let’s dive into what’s new! ⚙️ Minecraft Version...
3 minute read
New Battles, GUI Enhancements, Media Ranks, and Much More!
New Battles, GUI Enhancements, Media Ranks, and Much More!
Hello Protectors! We’re excited to share with you the latest updates and improvements on ProtectorsCraft. Let’s dive into the details of what’s new and improved! ⚙️ Minecraft Version Updates: Server Upgrade: We’ve successfully updated the base...
5 minute read
New Year, New Adventures: Bounty Hunts, GUI Upgrades, and More in ProtectorsCraft!
New Year, New Adventures: Bounty Hunts, GUI Upgrades, and More in ProtectorsCraft!
Hello Protectors! We’re kicking off the new year with some exciting updates and improvements on ProtectorsCraft. From gameplay enhancements to system updates, we’ve got plenty of new features for you to explore. Let’s jump into what’s new this...
5 minute read