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Regarding Server Update
Regarding Server Update
Hello ProtectorsCraft community. I will try updating the server base version to 1.20.1 tomorrow which will bring all the new features of the version to our server. The base version has been 1.18.1 for the past few years. Players will not be able...
1 minute read
More Updates To PC
More Updates To PC
Hello ProtectorsCraft community, we have added some more updates to the server.

• Ability to trade with other players using the /trade [Player] command.
• Players with the coal tier are now able to create elevators to quickly go up by jumping...
1 minute read
Few Additional Updates
Few Additional Updates
Hello ProtectorsCraft community, a few additional updates have been made. • There is now a player item drop limit. If you try to drop more than 8 items at once on the ground, you will need to pick them up before dropping more items on the...
1 minute read
Some Recent Updates to PC
Some Recent Updates to PC
Hello ProtectorsCraft community, here are some recent updates we've made to enhance your experience. 1️⃣ Home Coordinates: If you had a home saved on the old bedrock server in 2020-2021, but don't know the coordinates to it, don't worry! I have...
2 minute read
Small Update
Small Update
Small update. • Users with the rank of Emerald or higher will now be able to VeinMine, which means players can mine an entire vein of ores while sneaking and breaking an ore. The durability of the tool will decrease just as it would if all of...
1 minute read
Update to 1.20 For JAVA and Bedrock
Update to 1.20 For JAVA and Bedrock
ProtectorsCraft has been updated to 1.20 for both JAVA and Bedrock users.
1 minute read