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Back For Good!
Back For Good!
The server has been brought back and will stay up to date for a long time, I've prepaid for the service and everyone's items/homes/builds should still be there. It has also been updated both Bedrock and JAVA players! Please let me know if you...
1 minute read
The server has been updated to 1.19 for both Bedrock and JAVA players! Enjoy 😀
1 minute read
• Updated the server to 1.18.31 for Bedrock players
• Added a weekly reward which you can claim once a week from /rewards
• Added more voting sites to get Vote Keys, and also added more items in the Vote Crate
• Added more commands,...
1 minute read
ProtectorsCraft is out of beta testing!
ProtectorsCraft is out of beta testing!
The ProtectorsCraft Semi-Vanilla Server is out of beta testing! We released the server last week, and a lot of glitches and fixes were made to both the server, as well as the server performance. Players who previously had the @ßeta role will now...
1 minute read
ProtectorsCraft Semi-Vanilla Server Released!
ProtectorsCraft Semi-Vanilla Server Released!
ProtectorsCraft is back! It is currently in Beta, enjoy the server, and have fun!
1 minute read
ProtectorsCraft now in testing phase for both JAVA and Bedrock players!
ProtectorsCraft now in testing phase for both JAVA and Bedrock players!
The server is open for anyone to join, with the same world as the previous server. For JAVA players, pretty much everything should be setup. For Bedrock players, the Shop menu is still being worked on. Please let me know if you run into any...
1 minute read