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Server Upgrade for Enhanced Player Experience!
Server Upgrade for Enhanced Player Experience!
Hello Protectors!
We're excited to announce that we've upgraded our server to a premium machine, which should comfortably accommodate 50-60 players simultaneously without any lag or issues. Previously, our server had these specs: Location:...
1 minute read
Further Updates To PC!
Further Updates To PC!
Hello Protectors!
We have made several changes to improve the overall user experience and functionality of our server. This includes a now-upgraded server with higher RAM and CPU. Other changes include: Price Modifier in the server shop now...
2 minute read
Happy 4th Of July, and Updates!
Happy 4th Of July, and Updates!
Happy 4th of July Protectors! Because of the holiday, we have prepared a 4th of July voucher you can redeem in-game by typing /voucher redeem 4thjuly, which will give you the following things:
$1500 1X Legendary Crate Key
2X Epic Crate Keys
1 minute read
New Command and Tier Updates
New Command and Tier Updates
Hello ProtectorsCraft community.
I hope you have been enjoying the 1.20.1 features on our server. There have been a few changes to the server. Players with the Ancient tier or higher now have the ability to automatically switch to the best...
1 minute read
ProtectorsCraft Updated To 1.20!
ProtectorsCraft Updated To 1.20!
Hello ProtectorsCraft community. After many hours of manually updating plugins and testing the server, ProtectorsCraft is officially updated from the base version of 1.18.1 to the new 1.20.1 version and running smoothly! There is now a new world...
1 minute read
Server Now Being Updated
Server Now Being Updated
The server is now being updated and players will be unable to join, expected downtime is 1 day.
1 minute read